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Reducing migration and hosting Syrian refugees within the protection of AANES

From April 2023 The AANES has expressed its readiness to participate in solving the refugee crisis by hosting them in its territories.


The Syrian conflict has forced millions to leave their homes in search of peace and stability. The refugee crisis in the neighboring countries and Europe have posed serious challenges for the host countries, given the absence of any foreseeable solution to the Syrian crisis. The wars and conflicts in different parts of the world have further exacerbated the refugee crisis.Some countries use the Syrian refugee file to serve their agendas and policies, which thwart any attempt to find a solution to the Syrian crisis. The practices of the Turkish- backed groups in north Syria sets the ground for internal conflicts and wars through the forcible displacement of the indigenous people to change the demographic composition of north Syria, particularly in Afrin, Sari Kani (Ras Al-Ain), and Tal Abyad.After more than twelve years of the onset of the Syrian crisis, the refugee issue has become a central topic on the agendas of many host countries, whose people are calling on their governments to find a radical solution to address this issue. Many Syrian refugees have been subjected to discriminatory and racist treatment, which negatively impacted their safety and living conditions.Since all refugees have the right to enjoy protection and live in dignity, it has become imperative for all actors who are involved in the Syrian file to contribute to resolving this issue in cooperation with the neighboring countries and the United Nations. From this humanitarian standpoint, the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES), in its political initiative declared on 18 April 2023, has expressed its readiness to participate in solving the refugee crisis by hosting them in its territories.

Significance of the Proposal

The local population in many host countries are pressuring their governments to return the Syrian refugees, due to the social and economic crises in these countries. The ongoing influx of refugees and the lack of prospects for a political solution to the Syrian crisis have created an unwelcoming environment for refugees.There are several obstacles to the return of Syrians to their original areas, given that there are no international guarantees to ensure their safety in areas under the control of both the Syrian regime or Turkish-backed radical groups.

Some host countries are investing in this humanitarian file to achieve political gains, and implement demographic change policies in some Syrian regions. Refugees are also being used as mercenaries in some other war zones.The increasing number of Syrian refugees in the neighboring countries (Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, and Iraq) and in other Arab and European countries has caused social, political and economic crises. In some countries, this could create a fertile environment for the growth and reemergence of terrorist organizations, which exploit the difficult living conditions of refugees to recruit young people.The AANES’s proposal to host the Syrian refugees in its territory could be the best solution to reduce illegal migration to Europe and ease the burden of the host countries until a permanent solution to the Syrian crisis is achieved. Implementing the proposal requires international cooperation and coordination between the UN, EU, and the Arab States, which play a key role in the Syrian file. The AANES is open to cooperate with the regional and international powers to reduce illegal migration, human trafficking, and drug trade.Aims of the ProposalThis proposal aims to:Create the best conditions to solve the issue of the refugees in cooperationwith the EU, Arab States, and UN agencies;Assist the international bodies and the UN in developing possible solutionsaway from political agendas, by proposing to host the Syrian refugees in theareas of the AANES;Provide impetus to resolving the Syrian crisis, given that the refugee file is afundamental problem in the course of finding a political solution and is beingexploited by some regional parties;The Syrian crisis, according to the current data, is likely to continue for severalyears. If the refugee crisis remained unresolved, it would exacerbate the conditions of the Syrians, as well as the social, political and economic problems in the host countries. This is why, a solution to the refugee crisis must be found to address the challenges facing the Syrians and the host countries.

Elements of the Proposal’s Success

The AANES’s areas constitute one-third of Syria’s territories and enjoy relative peace and stability, compared to other Syrian regions. The AANES is protected by the Syrian Democratic Forces and the Internal Security Forces, in addition to the presence of the Global Coalition against the Islamic State.The AANES has a vast territory to establish residential areas for the refugees under the supervision of the UN.The AANES has accumulated experience in dealing with and managing the affairs of the internally displaced persons (IDPs), who fled from other Syrian regions. Across the AANES region, there are 15 IDP camps that include Syrians, who were displaced from Idleb and other Syrian areas. Many international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and some UN agencies work in the AANES region and provide support to the IDPs.The refugees would be received in the Syrian provinces of Der Ezzor, Al- Hassaka, Al-Raqqa, and Aleppo countryside. These provinces are run by civil and autonomous administrations and councils, which form the AANES.The refugees would stay in the AANES’s areas until a comprehensive and sustainable solution is reached in accordance with the international resolutions. The permanent solution must involve the return of the Syrians to their original hometowns, to solve the demographic change problem, which has deepened the Syrian crisis.The proposal is based on the political initiative declared by the AANES on April 18, 2023, which consists of nine points to solve the Syrian crisis. The initiative underlines the AANES’s willingness to host the Syrian refugees in its areas incoordination with the UN, the Arab and European States.The AANES would be responsible of finding a safe and suitable location toestablish the camps under the supervision of the relevant UN organizations.The AANES would also be responsible for the protection and security of thecamps, in accordance with the international laws.The AANES is ready to discuss the issue of the refugees with the Arab andEuropean States and the UN bodies. Solving the refugee crisis will have a positive impact on the political process, by urging the Syrian government to adopt dialogue as the only way to solve the country's crisis.


The proposal has a humanitarian and Syrian national dimension, which could help to preserve the international peace and security. It supports the efforts of the international community to fulfill its obligations towards the refugees by ensuring their voluntary and safe return to the AANES’s areas.The AANES confirms its readiness to cooperate with the concerned international bodies to implement the proposal.

Department of Foreign Relations

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